Mood: Okay.
Time of writing: Afternoon.
I have been busy these last months, college is draining my energy like crazy and I should've got less classes.
Even though I'm busier, interestingly that makes me more prone to draw random stuff in the middle of class or between activities. I'm an excelent student but also an excelent procrastinator!
I'm also trying to draw and post more on social media, it's hard but I'm gonna try to put my stuff out there! Maybe gonna post literally anything I do.
And there are two projects coming in soon!! There is my OC "Peace" being drawn (in hiatus been a long time now lmao) and also a Pokémon species based on myself. Hehe. I hope you guys enjoy them when they get around.
Mood: Rainy...
Time of writing: Noon.
I'm back! (kinda)
I spend like four months without updates here, damn...
Guess it happens, I've enrolled in a college/university so life is getting me busy every chance it has!
But next semester I'm gonna try not getting as much work to do, I want to draw and be active!
I haven't got myself into posting on social media yet and that sucks ass.
Having to go back to studying the hard sciences, math, physics and all, is really tiring! Who would've guessed!
But the trick is not worrying too much, I have 10 years to finish it so if something gets unbearable I just have to try again the next semester, it's fine.
If I rush things, I may even finish earlier, but at the cost of my sanity and peace. So let's enjoy it!
Sometimes you just gotta put on some good ol' punk rock, play some videogames and treat yourself to some junk food if you like that :)
I hope y'all are doing fine with y'all's responsibilities and life in general, don't forget to rest.
Mood: Tired.
Time of writing: Night.
Making some stamps!
Ayo as a mean to procrastinate my current projects I've started drawing and editing 101x57 stamps.
You can probably soon see them on my About page and if you have any ideas you can anonymously (or not) send them to me on my Contact Me page. I've got political, animal and memey stuff I guess.
Getting busy.
On my birthday, one of my moms suffered a problem and got temporarily unnable to move herself a lot without feeling pain, so I kinda gonna be her nurse now. Making the food, helping her getting up and walk, distract from the pain, etc.
I'm gonna get more tired and more into fast distraction videogames. I need to get back into drawing and planning my social media to get commissions but that will take a little while. I need to be active on Tumblr and get back to Mastodon and also make a new account for X probably, but oh it's so much easier to just play Nobody Saves The World...
It was one of the FIRST pages and NO ONE told me it had no images, at all!
Okay, makes sense actually, because people didn't have any means to talk to me...
ANYWAYS the photos can now be seen properly I hope, there's dogs and cats and maybe someday something else.
I apologise for the bad photo quality, my phone ain't made for that!
Mood: Sleepy!
Time of writing: Past Midnight.
Featured Websites
Today a person contacted me about a collection of featured unknown websites here on neocities. It is very fun and I hope they thrive on what they're doing!
Gonna take a look there from time to time to check the neighborhood, such cool websites with so little attention...
I hope you, whoever is reading this, check on them later as well. Help them thrive!
(I have a link for them on my homepage!)
There was this error in the console that was bugging me and it turns out it was because I had no favicon. I took this chance (before I forget about it again) to finally draw the damn favicon!
It's just my mascot/sona :)
Maybe someday I'll change it for something more eye-catching or at least more visible, but for now I'm glad the error is gone. If you have any bright idea on something better that also has the vibes of my website, I'm all ears!
Look at it
Thank you for your attention.
Mood: Happy!
Time of writing: Night!
The Blog
This is the first entry of the blog :)
I'm doing this entry now as I think the website in general is now ready to be seen and showcased, or anything like that.
I don't know for sure, if there's any issues or suggestions you can tell me!
For Future Reference:
This is absolutely not a finished project
I intend to draw a lot of icons and stickers for this website, write more entries and expand on my created fantasy world (soon on the main page). Good luck to me because it will take a long while to get to those.
Even though it is not finished, I hope that for now it's good for what it's meant for: showing who I am and being open to talk! (and also please commission me, I am in need of money!)
It was nice writing here,
until next time, folks!
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