Get in Touch!

Whether you have a burning question, an exciting collaboration in mind, music recommendation, book request, accessibility suggestion or just want to share your thoughts, I'm all ears.

My Email:

Contact me in this form!

*sometimes Firefox's CORS policy blocks it, use e-mail or social media instead in case of repeated error.

Your data shared here will only be used to respond to your messages. If I ever use the messages publicly, it will be with your permission or anonymously!

Thank you for the message!

(if your ask isn't in the side bar (desktop-only), then I didn't read it. Whenever there's problems with this page I really don't receive anything hahah.)

Or access my socials!

Mastodon Social Media Logo Pandurso's Mastodon Profile Picture, cutesy cartoon bear smiling and wearing a purple collar.
Pandurso's Tumblr Profile Picture, a bear looking sideways smiling and wearing a purple collar. Tumblr Social Media Logo
Discord Social Media Logo Pandurso's Discord Profile Picture, cartoonish smiling bear wearing white shirt and a purple collar.

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"I loved the accessibility tools!"

Thank you! I want everyone to be able to read my pages so let me know if there's something I can do!

"Are you interested in paid design help from me?"

Nope! This is hobby and of personal use and I do not have any money <3

But you can leave suggestions here if you want!

How are you? What hobbies do you have?

Maybe I should update the "about me" page eh?

Thank you for asking! I'm doing fine, I have little time to watch stuff but I read manga between activities (just added a page for that, check it out), specially queer ones! I also enjoy drawing whenever I have the time, while listening to indie and punk music! :3
You can check my drawings and other stuff on my tumblr if you're interested!

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